The American Translators Association offers a certification exam in language combinations to candidates who wish to become ATA-Certified Translators (CTs). Passing the exam and becoming ATA-Certified is an opportunity for individuals to demonstrate their professional competence and enhance their business image.
Who can use the CT designation?
Candidates who successfully pass the ATA certification exam are entitled to use the designation CT after their names.
For example:
Jane Doe, CT
ATA-Certified Translators may also refer to their certification on or in connection with résumés, cards, stationery, websites, advertisements, professional literature, and the like. The CT designation may not be used in a misleading, inaccurate, fraudulent, or illegal manner, or for other improper purposes.
The CT designation must be:
- in capital letters;
- in type or lettering no larger than that of the designated member's name; and
- set solid without a period or space after each letter of the designation.
The CT designation should include the language pair and direction.
Where possible, the language pair(s) and direction(s) of the certification should be provided to most accurately reflect the certification.
For example:
Jane Doe, CT (Spanish into English)
Jane Doe, CT (Spanish>English)
Jane Doe, American Translators Association-Certified Translator from Spanish into English
Use of the CT designation depends upon recertification.
Individuals who fail to recertify must immediately discontinue using the CT designation and remove all references to their ATA certification.
The CT designation is owned by ATA.
All uses of the CT designation are subject to review and approval by ATA. The association also reserves the right to take legal or other action to protect its rights in the event of any unauthorized or impermissible use of the CT designation.