It was very sweet, and I'm much obliged to whoever translated it for me.I tell them to pull hard and that at the end of the day's journey they will have much rest and refreshment, " he translated to Professor Bumper and the others.Tis the six-and-twentieth edition, promulgated at Boston, Anno Domini 1744; and is entitled, 'The Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New Testaments; faithfully translated into English Metre, for the Use, Edification, and Comfort of the Saints, in Public and Private, especially in New England'.And have they ever translated this precious dirt into actual coin?Still, there will be a connection with the long past-a reference to forgotten events and personages, and to manners, feelings, and opinions, almost or wholly obsolete -which, if adequately translated to the reader, would serve to illustrate how much of old material goes to make up the freshest novelty of human life.And in this chapter it was, headed Smeer, or Fat, that I found a long detailed list of the outfits for the larders and cellars of 180 sail of Dutch whalemen; from which list, as translated by Dr.Jurgis was vexed when the cynical Jokubas translated these signs with sarcastic comments, offering to take them to the secret rooms where the spoiled meats went to be doctored.This title, translated into modern speech, would be THE BOSS.Everything considered - being translated - means holidays.Noel Vanstone's next of kin; which means, translated into plain English, my husband, and his poor bedridden sister - who took the money formally, one day, to satisfy the lawyer, and who gave it back again generously, the next, to satisfy herself.Accordingly, these little birds hopped out with great dignity; leaving me to receive the congratulations of Traddles, and to feel as if I were translated to regions of exquisite happiness.Then Retief drew the paper from a leather pouch, which set out the boundaries of the grant of land, and it was translated to the king by an interpreter.

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