Translation is the process of converting written texts from one language to another. Professionally-trained translators are able to rewrite texts in a different language, fully capturing the intended meaning, style, and tone of the text, while employing correct grammar and terminology. We offer degrees in French to English translation, English to French translation, and English – Spanish translation.
If you enjoy language and communication, Translation offers an unbeatable package. You’ll study what you love, and graduate with professional credentials for a job in high demand.
Everywhere you go on our bilingual, multicultural campus you’ll be surrounded by language. Student services, extracurricular activities, and clubs are all bilingual. Everyone studies in at least two languages; many study more.
The professors:
- Marie-Christine Aubin is interested in contrastive stylistics and in the translations of Balzac. She is responsible for the Translation content of Paris-Sorbonne Groupe d’études balzaciennes’s Balzac Portal.
- María Constanza Guzmán’s main scholarly interests are Translation Studies and Latin America Literature.
- Lyse Hébert’s research focuses on the sociology of translation and curriculum development.
- Aurelia Klimkiewicz‘s recent work has focused on translation in a multilingual context.
- Candace Séguinot consults to clients such as IBM Canada and CP Railway on training in technical / professional writing.
The demand for translators just keeps growing – in government, in law, in business, and in the United Nations. You’ll enjoy dynamic, well-paid work with opportunities to work in Canada and abroad.
Translation is available as a bilingual or trilingual international Bachelor of Arts. For more details, visit Optional certificates allow you to leverage your degree in Translation with a Certificate in Professional and Technical Communication, or in Spanish/English Translation.
As a part of York U, Glendon students gain full access to the resources of Canada’s third-largest university – a vast array of courses, facilities, study resources and extra-curricular activities and events.
With an average class size of 20, you’ll get one-on-one attention from your professors and lively classes. And on a campus of 2, 600, you’ll make lifelong friends and valuable connections for your career.
Our credentialed graduates work for the United Nations and the Government of Canada. They join law firms, publishing houses, and major corporations. They start their own translation firms. They also have successful careers as editors, technical writers, language consultants, terminologists, revisers, and teachers.